It’s Freelance Writers Appreciation Week!

1134972_wheat_field.jpg( — It’s Freelance Writers Appreciation Week! Each day this week, I will share something I love about being a freelance writer. What do YOU appreciate? Who has helped you on your journey? What goals have you achieved? How has freelancing changed your life? Leave comment so we can all celebrate with you.

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


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  • Sharon Hurley Hall Feb 9, 2009 Link

    Great idea, Kristen. I appreciate the freedom to be there for the important moments in my daughter’s life without having to jump through hoops to create that free time. I appreciate the variety of my work, and I appreciate the many writing friends I have met on my journey. Two people to mention in particular are Suzanne James of Inspired Author and Dana Prince of Dana Prince Writing – I am very happy to know them.

    Sharon Hurley Hall´s last blog post..Seven Steps To A Professional Bid

  • Lori Feb 9, 2009 Link

    I appreciate the ability to empower myself in business situations – and the ability to recognize history repeating itself and to change my ways in order to stop the cycle. :)

    I have been helped by incredible people at About Freelance Writing (Anne Wayman is a generous soul), and by my fellow bloggers and writing chums (you included!). I appreciate Kristen and Anne and Kathy and Jennifer and Sharlene and….

    To date, I’ve achieved my goal of succeeding at my career choice. I’ve learned how to market, how to run a business, how to call on others for help when I need it, and how to share the info with others so that they can avoid my mistakes. Without this job, I’d not have the financial freedom I enjoy, nor would I have the flexibility to concentrate on my first priority – family.

    Lori´s last blog post..Creating Value and Loyalty in a Sucky Market

  • Jennifer Feb 9, 2009 Link

    I appreciate my clients. I appreciate the regulars I work with each month and I appreciate the folks who just drop in every so often. I appreciate the variety of work I get to do–both in the type of writing and in the scope of industries. I appreciate how each project teaches me a little more about my craft and the world around me.

    Jennifer´s last blog post..What’s Your Contingency Plan?

  • Kim Antisdel Feb 9, 2009 Link

    I am relatively new to the freelance writing gig, but currently my favorite part is the feeling of doing something I love. I’ve always wanted to say “I’m going to my passion this morning!” rather than, “I’m headed to work!” That’s what freeland writing has the potential to help me achieve.

    An editor I write for sent me a link to this blog, and I’m pretty sure I’m hooked.

    Thanks for your advice and interesting links!

    Kim Antisdel´s last blog post..i’m always late

  • Celeste Stewart Feb 8, 2010 Link

    What do I love about freelance writing? What’s not to love? I get paid for words. I’m doing what I love to do. I get to stay at home with my kids. I have great clients. I’ve connected with other writers. It’s all good!
    .-= Celeste Stewart´s last blog ..Are You a Skilled Writer? Writing Online Pays! =-.