
www.inkthinkerblog.com — I’m back and exhausted. “Back from where, Kristen?” Back from the least relaxing vacay ever. I need a vacay from my vacay. (Note to self: Stop saying “vacay.”) I spent four and a half days a beach house just a minute’s walk from the ocean in Dewey Beach, DE, where I was able to get some great interview sources for an assignment for Delaware Parent Magazine, but not much of a tan. Between the sand-blasting from the wind, and icy dampness from the rain, there wasn’t much beach time to be had. For one day, though, I enjoyed the sun in all my SPF-50 oiled glory. It would have been more enjoyable if I didn’t spend half the day on the phone trying to get stuff worked out for a school project (or half of the entire trip for that matter), but c’est la vie.

Now that I’m back, I’m trying to get ORGANIZED. Easier said than done. I owe the collective you several write-ups from the Washington Independent Writers conference last Saturday in DC. It was phenomenal as usual, and I had a great time meeting some DCPubs and WIW-L folk whom I’d been seeing around online for quite some time. I also had an amusing, albeit brief, exchange with Sara Nelson, EIC of Publishers Weekly. (Me and my amusing-albeit-brief exchanges…).

Once I finish that, or perhaps in the midst, I’ll be working on my long-overdue self-promotion series, which is desperately needed by the eighty-two bajillion people I’ve met lately who insist that self-promotion is impossible and costs a fortune. (Spoiler: It isn’t and it doesn’t.) And once I get THAT rolling, I’ll begin tacking the brilliant list of spectacular article ideas that occurred to me several weeks ago during class (once I find the list, that is. That’s part of the getting organized…)

My immediate goal is to locate my desk (I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere under all of the copies of the New Yorker that mysteriously appeared in my office while I was gone) without my head exploding. If it goes well, I’ll report back with the first of the conference write-ups in a few days.

Talk is cheap. Good writing is priceless.



Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King