I’m outta here

www.inkthinkerblog.com — Well, it’s only three hours later than we intended, but we’re heading out of town momentarily, which means no new blog entries until I get back on Saturday night or Sunday morning. Can you stand it? Sorry I didn’t get to the second half of the WIW summaries, but I promise they’ll be at the top of my list when I return.

In the meantime, I invite and encourage you to work your way through the ::inkthinker:: archives and see what you’ve missed. Leave your comments, but don’t be alarmed if they don’t show up right away. I have them set to moderator approval to avoid spam, and since I’ll be gone for a few days with no internet access, I can’t approve them.

Whether you celebrate a holiday this week (like my family) or not (like me), I hope you enjoy the extra time off work and some half-price turkey–and all of the great sales this weekend.

Finalist in 2006 Writer’s Digest Best Writer’s Website Contest

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King

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  • alicia Nov 24, 2006 Link


    Kristen, pre-post honey, PRE-POST! I’m shocked and appalled you, my fellow OCD’r, aren’t doing that!

    Have an awesome break!

  • Kristen King Nov 26, 2006 Link

    I’m having a stupid attack. That. Never. Occurred. To. Me. Wow. I seriously need to hone my obsessive-compulsiveness.