The boys are back in town — Well, the Kristen is back in town, but I’m sure there are some boys who left Fredericksburg recently and came back, so the title is still accurate. Our trip north was nice, however exhausting. The highlight was that, on learning that Jesse and I are planning to purchase a large piece of property on which to build our dream home, my elderly (and ailing) great-uncle suggested that we “put in a cash crop” of marijuana to finance the endeavor. “Who cares if you end up in jail? At least the land will be paid for.” He laughed when I asked him if he’d post bail for us, but neither agreed nor refused. (I refrained from suggesting that buying the land for us would be cheaper than the cost of our inevitable legal defense needs.) I know who I’ll be contacting with my one phone call!

While I was gone, Alicia suggested that I plan ahead for the next trip by pre-posting. Frankly, I never thought of writing a bunch of entries and post-dating them so they show up daily while I’m gone, but now that I’ve thought of it, I’m not sure what I think. Suggestions and comments on the idea are welcome!

Finalist in 2006 Writer’s Digest Best Writer’s Website Contest

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King

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  • inceptus Nov 28, 2006 Link

    Everyone knows that pot won’t pay the bills, sister!

    But kids today love the methamphetamines. Call me (thumb to ear, pinkie to mouth) for more details about exciting meth-lab opportunities!

  • Kristen King Nov 28, 2006 Link

    Holy moly, a comment from Inceptus! I never thought this day would come. We’re in the presence of blogging royalty here, folks. I’m not being sarcastic. Okay, well maybe a little, but seriously, Inceptus rocks.