1. I paid for the deluxe print version a year ago and never activated the included membership.
2. I won a membership from the Best Writer’s Website Contest, but still hadn’t activated the first membership I had.
3. I needed to look up a market and couldn’t find info anywhere else.
4. I figured the 1-year membership length would motivate me to get a move on and actually use the thing to get some stuff published this year.
After an hour and a half of playing with WM online, I ended up with 106 potential markets — and I haven’t even scratched the surface of what I have in mind as possibilities. Who knew there were so many print mags out there? Well, I mean, I had an idea, but the total number is pretty impressive!
I’m thinking about putting together a monthly query challenge to take advantage of this resource. Who wants in? And how many should we shoot for? Leave your thoughts in comments.
Finalist in 2006 Writer’s Digest Best Writer’s Website Contest
Contents © Copyright 2007 Kristen King. All rights reserved.
Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King
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Ooooh, I like this idea! I actually was planning on signing up for the online version vs. buying the book, but haven’t yet. I would love a little monthly challenge to keep me motivated with my plan to expand my print experience.
Okay, Diane, let’s do it! How many print queries should we plan on sending out each month? One a week is DEFINITELY not enough.
I’m in, Kristen! How about a blogging challenge M, W, and F? The prize would be something from your prize vault: Amazon gift certifcate, a free e-book, etc.
Not only will this draw traffic to your site, you can help others improve their skills. :)
Hmm… Grif, e-mail me and let’s talk about what you have in mind. kristen at kristenkingfreelancing dot com.
Hi Kristen,
Happy New Year! Congrats on the B5 gig. That’s really cool- you’re a fab blogger. I just quit my job to devote myself to freelance commercial/copywriting and to getting some articles published in consumer publications as well. I have writers market, and I might be up for the challenge. Two per week should be the minimum I think.
Yay, Julie! That’s awesome news! I was thinking maybe 10-12/month. That’s 120-144/year! Not sure yet…
i always struggle with this. i want to write for mags and keeping getting rejected. but i do like 20 a year. not nearly enough.
i’m in!
Congrats on the blogging! I think a query challenge would be great–I have tons of markets bookmarked but have been rather remiss in sending out queries.
Although I probably can’t commit to 100+ a year, I think I’d like to join in this challenge. Most of the writing I do is for businesses and individuals, but I’d like to break into a few new markets this year (I already have my eye on two opportunities I’d like to submit somthing to), so count me at least partially in.