2007 Query Challenge Success Story #18 (from Sheila Scarborough)


A great follow up to Tammy’s success from Sheila:

I have 4 pitches into one magazine that likes my queries a lot and told me to send a bunch in, but their editorial process takes awhile. If they take all 4 I guess I won’t be sleeping much. I also have two paid blogging gigs, so don’t let anyone say you can’t get paid to blog. [link added by kk]

Two major items of good news:

One, I may do a NASCAR-related feature later this year for an automotive travel magazine that involves driving a new car around, interviewing NASCAR drivers, attending a race and doing travel stuff about the area around the track. Writing about disparate topics like both travel and motorsports has paid off for me.

Second, I was contacted by email (completely out of the blue) to blog about a travel topic (for good pay) for a major family-oriented corporation (can’t tell you more till their new site is live, mid-March.) My little unpaid labor of love blog at BootsnAll is a great writer’s platform.

I can see that if I’m not careful I will totally overload. I used to read about writers who were swamped and I couldn’t imagine having that much work myself. Yeah, verily, now I are one!

We’ve got one writer already turning down work because she doesn’t have time for projects that don’t pay well, and another getting into to the same boat! Don’t every believe it when people say there’s not enough work to go around. Sheila and Tammy are proof that it’s a LIE.

Do you have a 2007 Inkthinker Query Challenge Success Story? Great! E-mail me!

Finalist in 2006 Writer’s Digest Best Writer’s Website Contest

Contents © Copyright 2007 Kristen King. All rights reserved.

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King

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  • Mar 1, 2007 Link

    Hi Sheila, sounds like it’s a good year so far. Congrats on new blogging position and hope you’re going to take a video of the NASCAR drive to share with us all…Keep up the good works. Cheers, Liz