Color me stunned.
I just got off the phone with the author of a seriously impressive how-to book for writers. (We’ll call him/her “Pat” until I get the go-ahead to give specifics, which probably won’t be for a while.)
The introduction went something like this:
Pat: Hi, Kristen. You don’t know me, but my name is Pat and I’m the author of Seriously Impressive How-To Book for Writers.
Me: [caught very much off guard] Did you say Pat? I have your book on my shelf. I’m looking at it right now.
Pat: You do? Great!
At any rate, Pat called me today because his/her book is about to go into a new edition, and s/he wants to profile me in the book! And guess how s/he found me? This little old blog right here. How ’bout that. Who says blogging is a waste of time? Not this girl!
Finalist in 2006 Writer’s Digest Best Writer’s Website Contest
Contents © Copyright 2007 Kristen King. All rights reserved.
Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King
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Well, who wouldn’t want to profile you, girl? You’re a go-getter with an engaging writing style—all before you’re anywhere near 30! Congrats!
Well, gee, when you put it that way…
kk ;]
That’s awesome — congrats!
see there’s the magic number–before 30. *winks*
That is awesome! Blogging absolutely pays off. I think I know who it is; but I could be wrong…hmmm, I love a mystery. Great job, and have a fabulous weekend!
I won’t confirm or deny — yet — but you’re welcome to guess. Actually, I encourage it. I’d love to know what you think are seriously impressive how-to books for writers.
Congrats! Looking forward to hearing how it unfolds.
See, lookit what that little labor of love has brought you….:) I know the feeling, eh?
You deserve such an accolade, Kristen. This is a great blog that has helped many, many people. Congrats.
That’s got to be the coolest news ever! Oh, if only my humble blog could do so well…
Serious congrats!
I’m not surprised. You absolutely rock! :))
Me, I get the men-who-used-to-be-women who want to pay me in royalties only. ;))
Congrats – hope this contact opens more doors and s/he includes you in the revised edition. Proud of you!
Aww, thanks, Linda!
Y’all, I have the best family. :]