5 Tips for Submitting to Online Markets

by Kumudha Venkatesan

www.inkthinkerblog.com — After days of researching and interviewing, you’ve completed your article. The next step is submitting the manuscript. Follow these easy steps to ensure a pain-free online submissions.

1. READ THE WRITERS GUIDELINES Make sure you read the writers’ guidelines a couple of times. If they asked for an 800-word article, make sure your word count is in the right neighborhood. If you are writing business material for a company or an individual, make sure you ask any questions you have regarding the project well in advance of the deadline.

2. SEND IT THE RIGHT WAY It seems obvious, but it still needs to be said: Follow the submission instructions to the letter. If they ask for the manuscript by e-mail, send it by e-mail only. If they ask for snail mail, to send it by snail mail. If they want it handwritten in blue pencil on wide-ruled loose-leaf paper, get yourself to the school-supplies aisle at Wal-Mart.

3. FORMAT THE FILE CORRECTLY When submitting electronically, be sure to send your file in the appropriate format. Rich-Text Files (RTFs) work with most word processing programs, but many editors prefer MS WORD. Some editors prefer to receive the manuscript in body of the e-mail. Don’t send an attachment unless the guidelines specifically ask for it, because many spam blockers and virus programs direct e-mail with attachments directly to the trash.

4. MAKE YOUR SUBJECT LINE SING The subject line is an editor’s first glimpse of your submission, so make sure the subject is meaningful and clear, such as “Submitting Manuscript – Article Title Here”. If you are submitting an article about medicines and the subject is “About Pills,” you may be diverted directly to the spam folder. You can be creative, but make sure the contents of the e-mail are obvious from the subject line.

5. FOLLOW UP The writers’ guidelines will generally offer a response time. Be sure to keep track of your submission date so you can follow up on time. If the response time is 3 weeks, don’t start sending e-mails or calling the editor about your submission until at least 4 weeks have passed. However, do follow up by e-mail if you do not get any response after the specified amount of time.


Kumudha Venkatesan is a Detroit-based freelancer who writes for e-zines and magazines. You can reach Kumudha at kumudha_1998@yahoo.com.

Although this article was published by Kristen King, the original author retains all copyright and should be contacted for reprint requests.

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