VIDEO: What I’m Doing Today — Friday, February 6

( — Here’s what’s on my to-do list for today. What about you?

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King

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  • Dmaria senne Feb 8, 2009 Link

    Hey Kristen
    Here’s what i’m doing tomorrow (Monday 9 Feb):
    1. Finish a Q and A profile article for a magazine and send
    2. Edit and publish a quiz designed for a client web site. Chat with web designer for client site to discuss Valentine’s day special features. Send links to new pages to client.
    3. Call potential sources for a telecoms feature to schedule interviews. Look for potential sources for a tourism feature for same pub
    4. Set up client interview for an advertorial.
    5. Read up on Swaziland and draft 400-word country profile
    6. Give new puppies a bath [Gift I got from friend today. They’re a bulldog and poodle mix and 3 weeks old tomorrrow:-)]
    7. Plant merigolds

    Dmaria senne´s last blog post..What does respect mean for you and your partner?

  • Debbie Kobernick Nov 2, 2009 Link

    I feel like such an underachiever.

    Hi Kristin and other readers,
    Do you plan your daily task list the evening before or the morning of?
    Let us know if you actually get all that accomplished.
    I always find such good info on your blog.
    Debbie (blogless)