(www.inkthinkerblog.com) — It’s that time again! Here are some great blog posts for freelancers, culled from the 80some writing and business blogs I currently subscribe to in Google Reader. Enjoy!
- The Six People You Meet In Freelance Internet Writing Hell
- Deadly Freelance Assumptions (Or How To Go Out of Business)
- 6 Ways to Kick the Freelance Fear
- 7 Limiting Beliefs Fatal to New Business Owners
- How-to Write a Great Niche Statement
- Twitter: The Freelance Writer’s New Best Friend — Part One
- Twitter: The Freelance Writer’s New Best Friend — Part Two
- The Client Isn’t Always Right: Dealing with Abuse as a Freelance Writer
- 6 Goal-Setting Pitfalls to Avoid this Year
- 5 Ways Blogging Can Make a Difference for You in This Economy
For more reading recommendations throughout your day, follow me on Twitter!
Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King
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Ooh, some great stuff there – especially the big on writing a niche statement. Something I need to do… maybe this post will actually kick my arse into gear!
monica´s last blog post..Twitter Basics from Janet Barclay
Oh, wow, Kristen. You’re killing my afternoon :)
allena´s last blog post..So, What Makes You a "Real" Freelance Writer?
@Monica, I need to refine my niche statement myself!
@Allena, you can thank me later. ;)
Kristen,you provided just what the doctor ordered! I was sitting here staring at my screen knowing I should be writing but desperately in need of a diversion. HA! Now I have a healthy diversion, a break, learn some new things, bliss! Thanks for including me in this line-up, good stuff here!
Karen Swim´s last blog post..Little Lesons from a Big Speech
What a great list! I found some useful info and a new blog to read. Thanks for sharing. I especially liked the 7 Limiting Beliefs and 6 Goal-Setting Pitfalls.
James A Woods´s last blog post..Mini-Interview