Would you recommend obtaining a copy editing certification? If so, do you recommend any programs in particular? I’m actually asking because I came across a job opportunity specifying that candidates should have a BELS certification (http://www.bels.org/becomeeditor/index.htm). This particular certification looks a little questionable to me, but I’m thinking of taking a more mainstream course. I’m just having trouble finding ones offered on nights and weekends or in my spare time.
S, who wants to be a freelance copyeditor
What a great question. My blogging buddy Katharine has a great list of editing education and certification programs on her website. Several of the resources she lists offer online and self-study options that might be right up your alley, and I would start there if you’re interested in pursuing a certification program.
That being said, I don’t advocate paying for anything you can get for free (or cheap), and although these educational resources may be very helpful and a certificate of some story could look quite spiffy on your resume, I think taking a couple of classes may be more beneficial (and very possibly more economical) than doing an actual certification program. The skills are the end result that matters, not how you got them.
I think this is going to turn out to be more of a nonanswer than an answer, sadly, but what it really comes down to is that you need to make a personal choice about how best to invest your time and money in your career. If you feel that you’d benefit from taking a course or getting a certificate or degree, go for it. You’ll get out of it what you put in, and if you put in quality work, you’ll get quality results.
Regarding BELS certification, I looked through the roster of certified editors and found listed some folks whom I really respect and look to as leaders in the field, so I’d be very comfortable with this organization. I don’t have any personal experience with them, but knowing and having worked with those folks and knowing the quality of their editing, I’m confident that they wouldn’t have bothered with this certification if it wasn’t worthwhile. I’d recommend that you read everything you can find on the BELS website and then call them directly with any questions or concerns you have to see if this is a good fit for you personally.
Like I said, it’s kind of a nonanswer, but I hope it helps at least a little!
Do you have a question about freelance writing or editing? Send an e-mail to kristen@kristenkingfreelancing.com, and I’ll get on it right away!
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