(www.inkthinkerblog.com) — I had a realization not too long ago that I am focusing way too much of my time on stuff I don’t particularly enjoy but just happen to be good at, and it’s taking me away from the things I really love to do, which are both more enjoyable for me and more lucrative.
Last week, I decided to do something about it.
But before that, I allowed myself to get burned out and to have those whistful, “One day, when I ______…” thoughts for ages. What’s been holding me back from pursuing those passions wholeheartedly? Fear.
- Fear that I won’t be good at them.
- Fear that saying goodbye to a regular client will be the first in a series of poor decisions that will mean the untimely and unpleasant end of my career.
- Fear that “firing” a client whose work I no longer enjoy is tantamount to quitting, and thus I will be a quitter for the rest of my life.
Last week, I decided to stop letting the fear control me and my business: I put in my notice with a regular client for whom I’ve been freelancing for more than 2 years — one of my first clients, in fact. Why? The work I am doing for them, although I do it competently and with not much effort, is not what I want to be doing. And the time committment I allow for it has prevented me from being able to take on more work in my target area. So, no more.
All week, I’ve been remembering Christine Kane’s great performance on the cruise at SOBCon08, and the lines from “Right Outta Nowhere” that have stuck with me and played over and over in my head since May: “Some choices hold you down, some chances set you free” and “Leap, and the net will appear.”
So far, so good: Just signed a new consulting client today. Let’s hope the trend continues.
When’s the last time you fired a client?
Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King
Tags: freelance writing blog, resources for writers, firing a client, how to find work you love, following your dream, following your passion, finding someone to pay you for it, inkthinker, kristen king
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