The Great SEO Experiment: Results, a Confession, and a Question for You — At the end of February, I announced an informal campaign to get Inkthinker into the top 25 search results for the phrase “freelance writing blog” by the end of March. This would be a big jump considering that it wasn’t even in the top 200 results when I decided to go for it.Well, here’s my confession: I got kind of overwhelmed with stuff around the middle-end of March and totally forgot to keep checking my results. But here’s the good news: As of today, Inkthinker is ranked 19 for “freelance writing blog.” Cool, right? Another post to follow describing how I accomplished this magnificent feat.

In the meantime, here’s my question to you, darling reader: Are you satisfied with your search engine rankings? What would you change?

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Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


Can You State What You Do in Under 10 Words? (or why I think my identity crisis may be ending) — Startling realization: Every time I try to explain what I do to others, I realize that I don’t actually know. Note to self: work on that. – kristenking 12:12 PM May 03, 2008

This weekend at SOBCon, every time someone asked me what I do, I gave a slightly different answer. (It would be interesting to gather up everyone who met me and ask them all to tell me what they think I do. If you’re game, leave a comment to that effect.) I finally got to the point where I said, “You know, I actually have no idea. What do you do?” And we laughed at how totally clueless we were (and, at least on my end, what a relief it was to finally admit that to someone and find out they were in the same boat).

During one session on Saturday, Lorelle VanFossen challenged attendees to say what their blog or their business does — what their purpose is — in no more than 10 words. It was like pulling teeth. I have to hand it to my tablemate Anita Bruzzese, who rapid-fired questions at me and wouldn’t let me stop until I came up with at least some kind of answer. It was amazing and difficult and I loved/hated every second of it. I needed someone to say, “Wake up, girl! What are you going to do for me? How can you do it? Why should I believe you? Why should I pick you?”

I didn’t figure it out until I was at the airport waiting for my delayed plane on Sunday night, but I think I finally came up with my purpose:

I help people figure out what they want to say — and them I help them say it better.

A slightly more formal version might be:

I help individuals, companies, and organizations identify their message and express it brilliantly.

I want to tweak the language a little, but I’m comfortable with the idea. From resumes to Web copy to proposals, I’m helping people figure out what they want the world to know about them, and then I’m giving them the language they need to share it with their audience. Hiring managers, customers, grantors — they’re all audiences, and it’s all marketing.

This, my friends, where my big ideas for my business and for this blog are coming from: the realization that I’m spending a LOT of time on topics and activities that don’t have anything to do with my purpose. No wonder I’m feeling burned out.

So there are some changes coming, but I don’t know what they are for sure yet. I do know that there will be some major revisioning of the Query Challenge. It takes up a huge amount of my time with zero tangible return on the investment (and yes, there is that warm fuzzy feeling I get from your success stories, but I haven’t been able to feel that or much of anything else lately because I’m so numb from being spread too thin all the time). I do know that I will also be making changes to my freelance writing website, and, of course, to this blog. I welcome your input and your suggestions.

While I come up with my next steps, I want leave you with this question: Are you being true to yourself with your writing career? Are you really spending your time the way you want to be? And what do you need to change to be able to answer both of those questions with a resounding YES?

Contents Copyright © 2008 Kristen King

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Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


Can You State What You Do in Under 10 Words? (or why I think my identity crisis may be ending) — Startling realization: Every time I try to explain what I do to others, I realize that I don’t actually know. Note to self: work on that. – kristenking 12:12 PM May 03, 2008

This weekend at SOBCon, every time someone asked me what I do, I gave a slightly different answer. (It would be interesting to gather up everyone who met me and ask them all to tell me what they think I do. If you’re game, leave a comment to that effect.) I finally got to the point where I said, “You know, I actually have no idea. What do you do?” And we laughed at how totally clueless we were (and, at least on my end, what a relief it was to finally admit that to someone and find out they were in the same boat).

During one session on Saturday, Lorelle VanFossen challenged attendees to say what their blog or their business does — what their purpose is — in no more than 10 words. It was like pulling teeth. I have to hand it to my tablemate Anita Bruzzese, who rapid-fired questions at me and wouldn’t let me stop until I came up with at least some kind of answer. It was amazing and difficult and I loved/hated every second of it. I needed someone to say, “Wake up, girl! What are you going to do for me? How can you do it? Why should I believe you? Why should I pick you?”

I didn’t figure it out until I was at the airport waiting for my delayed plane on Sunday night, but I think I finally came up with my purpose:

I help people figure out what they want to say — and them I help them say it better.

A slightly more formal version might be:

I help individuals, companies, and organizations identify their message and express it brilliantly.

I want to tweak the language a little, but I’m comfortable with the idea. From resumes to Web copy to proposals, I’m helping people figure out what they want the world to know about them, and then I’m giving them the language they need to share it with their audience. Hiring managers, customers, grantors — they’re all audiences, and it’s all marketing.

This, my friends, where my big ideas for my business and for this blog are coming from: the realization that I’m spending a LOT of time on topics and activities that don’t have anything to do with my purpose. No wonder I’m feeling burned out.

So there are some changes coming, but I don’t know what they are for sure yet. I do know that there will be some major revisioning of the Query Challenge. It takes up a huge amount of my time with zero tangible return on the investment (and yes, there is that warm fuzzy feeling I get from your success stories, but I haven’t been able to feel that or much of anything else lately because I’m so numb from being spread too thin all the time). I do know that I will also be making changes to my freelance writing website, and, of course, to this blog. I welcome your input and your suggestions.

While I come up with my next steps, I want leave you with this question: Are you being true to yourself with your writing career? Are you really spending your time the way you want to be? And what do you need to change to be able to answer both of those questions with a resounding YES? 

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Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


SOBCon08 in Chicago: Holy Moly, This Is Awesome — People, if you’re not here, you are missing out big. I’m so, so serious about this. SOBCon is one of the least expensive and most valuable conferences I have attended to date, and although it’s only one day of official sessions, it has been nonstop learning since I got to my hotel and connected with my first fellow blogger here.

From meeting people I recognized from their Twitter avatars to hearing URLs and throwing my arms around folks I’d been reading for more than a year but had never known their names, it’s been both emotional and incredibly educational.

I’ve heard brilliance from Chris Garrett, Brian Clark, Lorelle, and Anita Bruzzese, and we’re nowhere near finished. I’ve got a new strategy for THIS blog, and some major ideas for where I’m going with my career. And that’s just the beginning.

Session summaries to come when I get back to Virginia. And man, they’re going to rock.

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


SOBCon08 in Chicago: Holy Moly, This Is Awesome — People, if you’re not here, you are missing out big. I’m so, so serious about this. SOBCon is one of the least expensive and most valuable conferences I have attended to date, and although it’s only one day of official sessions, it has been nonstop learning since I got to my hotel and connected with my first fellow blogger here.

From meeting people I recognized from their Twitter avatars to hearing URLs and throwing my arms around folks I’d been reading for more than a year but had never known their names, it’s been both emotional and incredibly educational.

I’ve heard brilliance from Chris Garrett, Brian Clark, Lorelle, and Anita Bruzzese, and we’re nowhere near finished. I’ve got a new strategy for THIS blog, and some major ideas for where I’m going with my career. And that’s just the beginning.

Session summaries to come when I get back to Virginia. And man, they’re going to rock.

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King