Overwhelmed by Bookmarks but Can’t Bear to Delete Them? Try This Solution

www.inkthinkerblog.com — Are you a compulsive website bookmarker like I am? As a writer with five blogs, I’m always on the lookout for post ideas and news items I want to feature. And as a result, my bookmarks folder is overflowing, I can’t find anything I want, and I can’t remember what half of the bookmarks were for anyway. Or, I should say, that’s how it was.

The other day, I took about 45 minutes to go through my bookmarks folder in both Safari and Firefox and either delete or categorize every bookmark I had. I also set FF as my official default browser, so when I click on a link someone e-mails me, it always opens there.

But wait, there’s more. Some bookmarks that I use every day, like Gmail or my blog dashboards, I left in my list of FF bookmarks. But I converted everything else to a Google bookmark. Now, I can access my list of ideas from any computer, and everything is tagged with the blog or blogs that apply to each item.

How do you keep track of your Web bookmarks?

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Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


WordPress Resources at SiteGround

www.inkthinkerblog.com — WordPress is an outstanding blog software and that is why many people choose to use it for building their blogs. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and to provide the following resources, which facilitate the creation of WordPress websites:

WordPress tutorial
The WordPress tutorial at SiteGround explains the basic how-to-do’s in WordPress and shows how and where to actually start building the blog. It includes installation and theme change instructions, management of WordPress plugins, and more.

Free WordPress themes
The WordPress theme gallery at SiteGround contains a rich collection of free to use WordPress themes. The themes are suitable for personal, community and business projects and are easy to customize for the particular use the webmaster might need.

Expert WordPress hosting
The servers of SiteGround are fully-optimized to accommodate WordPress-powered websites. Free installation of WordPress is also included in the hosting services provided by SiteGround.

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


Must-Read Advice From Potential Employers

www.inkthinkerblog.com — I adore Freelance Writing Jobs, and not just because Deb Ng is the living definition of awesome. Today’s post is a perfect example of why. Here’s Deb’s intro with a link to the full content. Read every word.

Ever wonder what the people who place ads are thinking once the reponses start rolling in? One makes one person reject an application and accept another? James, from the TippyLeaf Tea blog job offered to give some feedback. As you can imagine, I jumped at the chance to let the person who is doing the hiring to offer his thoughts. One thing that stood out for me is where James tells us if you answered five minutes after I posted his job, you probably didn’t take the time to give his website a good look. It’s really important to know your client. They can tell if you haven’t done your research. Thanks James! – Deb

Read the post at FWJ >>>

James goes on to list, and explain in detail, five things he likes about candidates based on the response to his recent ad on FWJ, along with six things he doesn’t like, and a five item recap of exactly why an applicant may not get the job. This is incredibly valuable. Don’t miss it.

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Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


Should Professional Freelancers Write PLR Articles? You Decide

www.inkthinkerblog.com — In response to the last article of Hope Wilbanks‘ three-part guest series on private label rights (PLR) articles, Dina posted this comment:

Has anyone considered that selling PLR content is pretty much taking a hit on the entire profession of copywriting? You’re basically undermining our value by cranking out low-cost content and reselling it really cheap.

I mean really, you’re taking down the entire profession by doing this. When you turn around tomorrow and want to charge your clients $40, $50, $70 or $100 [per hour] for your work, and they object because “they can get content cheaper,” this is why?

It’s worse than syndicated articles. At least in that case, you get credit and link love in exchange.

Am I alone here in this feeling? I mean really, copywriters complain plenty about how difficult the article crap factories make it for us to be paid what we’re worth, and here the PLR copywriters are actually contributing to the problem.

Although my experience with PLR articles is limited (which is why I asked Hope to write about them instead of doing it myself), I do have an opinion. And since by now you know I’m not particularly inclined to keep my opinions to myself, here it is.

PLR content is vastly different from magazine content, professional web copy, or syndicated articles (which, for the sake of clarity on my position here, I think is a term Dina is using to refer to what you find in article directories such as EzineArticles.com). While I do see her point, I also think that the audience for PLR articles is not the same audience that we’re targeting as professional copywriters or magazine writers or what have you. At least, it’s not the same audience I’m targeting. Let me break down what I mean.

Magazine Content

The editors of high-quality, decent-paying publications don’t want something that was churned out in 10 minutes, is not targeted to their audience, and can appear, even in a limited number of other venues, in various sliced and diced formats. They want professionally written, customized editorial content written to their specifications by experienced and skilled writers who put a lot of time and effort into researching, interviewing, and writing. PLR buyers/subscribers/whatever are less interested in quality and tailoring and more in usability and availability. Their goals are not the same as those of a magazine editor, so the content they seek would be different because it serves a different purpose.

Professional Web Copy

There’s a difference between attracting traffic to your website and achieving strategic objectives. If your only strategic objective is to get traffic, well then, keyword-rich PLR articles will most likely do the job, the whole job, and nothing but the job. But if you’re trying to present a carefully crafted, high-impact professional image and marketing message, PLR articles are not the content you want on your website. Like with the savvy magazine editor, no smart business owner is going to shell out $30 for 100 PLR articles (I am totally fabricating those numbers, people — don’t get your panties in a bunch) and slap the content on his website and wait for the orders to start rolling in. It doesn’t work that way. The kind of copywriting clients I want are the ones who get the difference between a website and an effective website that’s part of a cohesive, integrated marketing strategy.

Syndicated Articles

When I write articles for article directories, I do it for me, not for the people who may reproduce the article. I craft articles on targeted topics specifically to promote my products, services, and blogs. Yes, I do keep in mind that I want to write articles that others will want to pick up and use, but I select the topic specifically to serve my own interests. And that’s why I use a directory like EzineArticles.com that makes it clear that anyone using my articles needs to use them the way I wrote them and with my resource box and contact information intact. PLR articles are written to serve the interests of the user. And yes, the writer can make some decent money, but this is not a marketing tool. It is straight content that the purchaser can use in whatever way and form he or she desires, with no requirement to attribute the content. Again, we’re talking about different audiences.

In Other Words…

When I’m marketing my professional copywriting services, or editing, coaching, or speaking services, I am marketing to a vastly different audience from people who are looking for fast, cheap content to fill up a page. There is nothing inherently wrong with looking for fast, cheap content to fill up a page. It’s a smart business move to get what you need as quickly and inexpensively as possible — you can’t argue with the logic. However, that’s not who I’m selling to, so I don’t see PLR as being competitive with my work.

If I quote a price for web content and the prospect come back with, “I can get the same thing for 20% of what you just quoted me,” I tell them to go for the deal. My rates are how much it costs to work with me. If you want to work with me, this is how much it costs. Other people charge more and other people charge less. But if someone is charging way less, you have to wonder why. The bottom line is that you get what you pay for. If you’re paying for content to fill up pages for Google AdSense revenues, well, you probably don’t have to pay much. Good for you! But if you’re paying for an investment in the success and presentation of your business, it doesn’t always behoove you to go with the lowest bidder. The lowest bidder is the lowest bidder for a reason. Think about what that reason is.

Now It’s Your Turn

I’ve rambled on long enough. What do you think about PLR content? Are PLR articles a threat to the very nature of freelance writing, or are they another piece of the puzzle? Do you feel that you’re competing with PLR content when you’re bidding jobs? Leave your comments, and don’t be shy. This is an issue worth discussing.

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Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


Volunteer Writing/Editing/PR/Etc. Opportunities for Animal Lovers

www.inkthinkerblog.com — NB: Although I don’t generally advocate writing for free, I do encourage all people to volunteer their talents to help favorite causes and organizations when they feel so inclined. It’s in that spirit that I post this ad, courtesy of renegade writer Linda Formichelli. -kk

Company: Creative Professionals for Animal Welfare (creativePAW)

Job Title: Volunteer Writers, PR People, and other Creative Professionals

Description: This is a volunteer opportunity at Creative Professionals for Animal Welfare (creativePAW). creativePAW’s mission is to help animal welfare organizations find creative professionals (such as writers, editors, proofreaders, graphic designers, web designers, videographers, PR people, and illustrators) who are willing to do volunteer work to help with the orgs’ marketing, education, fundraising, and PR efforts.

Please check out the site and join the database…it’s free (of course) and simple, and you can choose to take on only the volunteer work you have time for. You don’t have to worry about spam if you join the database, as animal welfare orgs have to join and be approved before they can search the database.

I’m thrilled that I announced the site in mid-February and we have more than 90 volunteers already! However, the animal welfare orgs are flowing in so we need even more volunteers.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, a homeless companion animal is euthanized every eight seconds in the U.S. creativePAW’s mission is to help animal welfare organizations publicize their causes and educate the public about homeless pet issues. So please, sign up and get involved! Also, please do pass this message along to other creative types you know.


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Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King