From my contact at the Freelancers Union: — Freelancers Union has worked for a long time to bring our dental insurance nationwide, and now it’s here! At last, freelancers in all 50 states will be able to get dental coverage (our usual eligibility requirements apply). We could tell you all the reasons it’s a good idea to take care of your teeth–dental health is linked to overall health, preventive care is crucial, etc.–but the plain fact is that clients pay more attention to the words coming out of your mouth when teeth aren’t falling out of it at the same time. There are more details about dental insurance on our website.
Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King — Company: Creative Weblogging
Job Title: Blog Editors
Description: Live blogs in need of editors right now (7 posts a week/$225/mo comp) (7 posts a week/$225/mo comp) (5 posts a week/20 a month for $112.50/mo) (5 posts a week/20 a month for $112.50/mo) (5 posts a week/20 a month for $112.50/mo) (5 posts a week/20 a month for $112.50/mo) (5 posts a week/20 a month for $112.50/mo)
Also, we are opening to talking to any experienced bloggers who have current high-traffic and high PR blogs (6+) in the following fields and may be interested in working with Creative Weblogging: social networking, business, fincance, pregnancy. Considerable blogging experience is required. For those who have the level of traffic and quality we are looking for, compensation is negotiable.
Please send us a brief email to recruiting @ requesting an application and specify which topic on the above list you are applying for.
Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King — I don’t know what it is today, but I am just not feeling the motivation.
I’m feeling so little motivation that I think I may be negatively motivated, by which I mean that if someone else in the room were motivated, I would suck it out of him into a black hole of non-motivated-ness.
Which is weird, because lately I’ve been really productive. Am I just having an off day? Am I just tired from inexplicably waking up and staying wide away from 4-5 a.m. the last two nights in a row? Am I exhausted from a brisker-than-usual, longer-than-usual walk this morning?
Or maybe it’s just that having THIS in front of you is enough to make anyone feel tired:

Okay, time for a break, and then time to clean off my desk so I can at least be unmotivated and organized instead of unmotivated and overwhelmed with paper.
What do you when you have the Friday-afternoon-zero-energy blahs?
Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King — Freelance proofreader and copyeditor Cory Jubitz commented the other day on enjoying her breaks from work to create mosaic tile art, and she kindly obliged my request for a photo with this beautiful shot of a tiled tabletop:

This got me thinking: What do my other fellow freelancers do in their downtime? Send me your answer, and a photo if you have one, and look for it soon right here!
Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King
Correction: It’s an iPod Shuffle, not a Nano. I’m not exactly hip to the technology these days. ;] — Isn’t it beautiful?
Read about the contest here.
Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King
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