www.inkthinkerblog.com — You may know her as the girl with the insane number of queries in the Inkthinker Query Challenge. But people, she’s that productive in every area of her writing career! I just had to ask Jessica Mousseau to share her tips for maximizing productivity. Here’s her way of doing it. What’s yours?
Achieving Maximum Productivity
by Jessica Mousseau
Productivity seems to be my middle name.
Ultimately, I achieve most of it through momentum. I admit I’m like most of us writers who have a tough time “gettin’ goin.’ However, once I do, you can’t stop me. Energizer bunny, perhaps? A typical day, well let’s just say, is never typical. However, after working for home, I continue to implement new ideas to increase my productivity. I find I waste a lot of time looking at email nonstop and/or marketing at inappropriate times when I should be writing. So, this blog will take you into the crazy thoughts and processes of me…… keep your hands and feet in the ride at all time folks. Let’s go!
First of all, I’m the type of person that the minute she wakes up, she can work. In fact, I like doing things that way. I think I write best in complete silence, which is funny because everything else I do in life I have to have music while doing it. I think the sound of my fingers hitting the keyboards soothes me. Pathetic, yes I know. Anyhow, my newest practice involves creating a list of things to do the night before (maybe haven’t been accomplished from previous day or maybe just thought of at the end of the day). After waking and preparing for the work day, start working on the list. In fact, I’m implementing this practice right now. Do not read email, turn on any messengers or open a browser, just get to work.
I find that if I sit and work without distractions including the phone, I can write very steadfast and split the time I actually have to work in a day. Who wouldn’t want that? I think the trick is discipline. As freelancers working from home (some of you guys are moms), you realize the importance of making yourself sit down and write, distractions aside [as much as possible]. It’s not easy, we all know this. However continuously working at it to perfect a specific plan to your liking is the key to this endeavor. What works for me may not for you, but I graciously accepted Kristen’s invitation to guest blog about the topic.
Once again when it comes to this topic, I, at first, made myself do so many before I worked for the day. Then I dedicated an entire Saturday to doing it, to help myself gain some momentum. Another thing I do is create a Story Ideas folder, if I’m reading a newspaper or magazine or come up with an idea from somewhere else, I put a note or that article within the file. When it comes time to query, I have a folder of ideas waiting to be created. It makes the job easier when you’re not struggling with things to write about. I have a template created for queries that I spice up for each individual publication. However, the basics are there and most are the same. I apply this practice to applying for work as well. The least amount of work you have to do, the better folks!
I think organization is the secret to this productivity success. Lists are my secret weapons, without them I would fail. There are hundreds of things we do each day and without some type of display of these things, I would forget everything, and probably lose clients because of it. Upping your productivity may take time, however with discipline and dedication, I’m confident you can do it too.
Jessica Mousseau is a freelance copywriter & magazine journalist. She resides on the Jersey Shore and takes writing breaks at the beach. Visit her blog at: http://jmwriting.blogspot.com
Finalist in 2006 Writer’s Digest Best Writer’s Website Contest
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