Are You Getting the Freelance Pay You Want? — Chris Garrett commented yesterday on perceptions surrounding the Hollywood writers’ strike, namely that people seem to think they’re highly paid fat cats who are just being greedy.

 For every freelancer that is fully booked at their top rate, there are many who are not working at all or working at a much lower hourly rate.

Even when a freelancer does earn their top rate, those good pay days have to compensate for the hours spent doing non-billable work, such as finding the next gig, administration, yada-yada. This is why I refuse to pitch, many companies use “pitching” as a way to get freelancers to work for nothing or provide free consultancy.

Read his post “The Myth of Freelance Pay” and weigh in with a comment.

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  • billny Nov 30, 2007 Link

    Make sure they pay you. The best thing to do is get an account with, there you can have money escrowed and if they don’t pay you, you can file a claim and usually get your payment. It’s a safe site to find people looking for freelancers also. Good Luck.