Top 10 Blogs for Writers 2007 Nominations Now Being Accepted — Thanks to Lori for nominating lil’ ol’ me despite my MIA status over the last couple of weeks. I have a good excuse, I swear, but that’s for another post. In the meantime, read the bad excuse, which covers last week.

Head over the the Writing White Papers Blog to nominate YOUR favorite writing blog, and hey, if you want to, nominate Inkthinker. Blogs require multiple nominations to be in the running, so I’ll take all the help I can get. ;] Incidentally, also second Writing Frump while you’re there, because it’s received only a single nomination and totally deserves to be considered for the top 10.  And no, I’m STILL not the Frump.

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


Will the Craigslist Murder Keep You From Seeking Freelance Work Online? — Late last month, reports starting coming out about a 24-year-old Minnesota woman who was murdered after she answered a Craigslist ad for a nanny.

A woman who responded to an online request for a babysitter told her roommate that the person who placed the ad “seemed kind of strange.”

Katherine Ann Olson went anyway, thinking she would be meeting a woman named Amy, or a couple. Instead, authorities say, she was lured to the home of her killer, who shot her in the back before stuffing her in the trunk of her car.

On Tuesday, prosecutors charged Michael John Anderson, 19, of Savage, with second-degree murder. Their evidence: blood spatters in the suburban home he shared with his parents, a gun in his bedroom and drag marks on the stairway.

Olson’s body was found Friday in the trunk of her car, which was abandoned in a park about five blocks from Anderson’s house. Her ankles were bound with red twine, according to the criminal complaint filed in Scott County. Her purse, her smashed cell phone, and bloody towels — one of which bore Anderson’s name — were found in a garbage can nearby. Read the whole report.

Will this keep you from sending in your resume or agreeing to meetings for jobs you find on Craigslist? Or are you going to keep doing your thing? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


Are You Getting the Freelance Pay You Want? — Chris Garrett commented yesterday on perceptions surrounding the Hollywood writers’ strike, namely that people seem to think they’re highly paid fat cats who are just being greedy.

 For every freelancer that is fully booked at their top rate, there are many who are not working at all or working at a much lower hourly rate.

Even when a freelancer does earn their top rate, those good pay days have to compensate for the hours spent doing non-billable work, such as finding the next gig, administration, yada-yada. This is why I refuse to pitch, many companies use “pitching” as a way to get freelancers to work for nothing or provide free consultancy.

Read his post “The Myth of Freelance Pay” and weigh in with a comment.

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King

1 comment

8 True Things About Me — A few weeks ago, I was tagged by the Frump for a meme on 8 random facts about myself. Here they are, in no particular order. And for the record, NO, I do not have 3 kidneys, and NO, I am not the Frump. Stop asking already!

  1. During college, I had a pierced tongue, a pierced navel, and 10 holes in my ears.
  2. When I was little, I totally believed my mom when she told me that that sound jets make flying overhead was actually the sound of the earth turning, and I called my best friend a “stupidhead” when she told me what it really was.
  3. I also believed that my dad was Superman thanks to a caricature that hung in his office, and that when I went to bed at night, Dumbo came over and the two of them flew around in our living room (which had a 24-foot ceiling, so it wasn’t that unbelievable).
  4. And that the rattling sound in a can of spray paint is what the Tooth Fairy did with the teeth she collected; that’s where she got the money to leave under our pillows, you know.
  5. I never cut class in high school, not even once.
  6. I regret my tattoo, which is nothing embarrassing (it’s a tree), but apparently its location qualifies it as a “tramp stamp.” That, and I found Leviticus 19:28 about two weeks after I got it. Oops.
  7. I don’t believe in Hell.
  8. I have to go to court tomorrow because I got a speeding ticket for going 64 in a 45 and I want to see if the judge will send me to traffic school instead of giving me points and making me pay because my driving record is flawless otherwise and I don’t want to ruin it.

Honestly, I hate memes, so I’m not going to tag anyone else. BUT if you want to voluntarily share 8 facts about yourself, please post the link as a comment so we can all get to know you better. We’d love that.

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King


How NOT to Promote Your Services — I got a bizarre e-mail today from a self-proclaimed just-starting-out writer who pulled what I feel is an unacceptable move by titling his message as though he were interested in hiring me, but actually pimping his own services.

Excerpt from the message:

I am a copywriter who is just getting started. I am looking for more established writers that may be in need of a little extra help from time to time. I came across your site and wanted to see if I could be of service to you.

I have a degree in Print Journalism and a handful of samples that are available upon request. You will read on my bio/resume that my background encompasses many different areas. I have never struggled with any writing assignment and I am sure that you would be pleased with my work.

What followed was what I think was supposed to be some sort of resume that actually was more of a pointless rambling about his rockstar aspirations and did absolutely nothing to convince me that this person was worth a second thought.

So here are some tips:

  1. When you’re soliciting work, say that up front. Don’t pretend like you’re trying to help me out when really you’re just using me. I might not do it, but at least I’ll respect your honesty.
  2. Use correct punctuation. Seriously. Run-on sentences lacking basic elements of correct usage of those pesky little squiggles and specks we know as commas and periods are not exactly confidence inspiring.
  3. Stay on topic. It’s not cute or funny or otherwise endearing when you give me way too much personal information that has nothing to do with the [self-serving] reason you’re contacting me.

If you really want my help, this is how to do it:

Dear Kristen,

I’m a freelancer just starting out and I recently came across your site/blog. I would love the opportunity to learn from someone who’s already working in the field, and I wanted to see if you ever have any overflow work that I could help out with to get some more solid skills. Like I said, I don’t have a lot of experience, but I’m eager to learn. Attached is my resume, and here are links to some samples of my work. Please let me know if there’s anything I can help out with. I’d really appreciate any guidance you can offer.


Writer Who Knows How to Be Professional

I wish I could say that that message appeared in my inbox, but alas, I had to make it up because apparently none of the wannabe writers out there — at least the ones who’ve contacted me — have any manners or sense of professionalism. Shame… I’m not big on outsourcing, but that doesn’t mean I’d rule out an internship arrangement. And if that doesn’t work for you, my coaching services start at $100/hour in pre-paid blocks or $125/hour a la carte.

Contents Copyright © 2006-2014 Kristen King